Inspect the Contents of a Vector File
Using OGR's ogrinfo
Command Line Tool
# To list layers
$ ogrinfo path/to/file.shp
$ ogrinfo path/to/file.shp (layer)
Provides the following information:
- Layer name
- Geometry type
- Feature count
- Extent
- Layer SRS WKT
- Name
- OGRFeature
- Type
- Coordinates (WKT)
Using Fiona's fio insp
Command Line Tool
Provides the following information:
- geometry
- coordinates
- type
- id
- properties
- type
$ pip install fiona
$ fio insp path/to/file.shp
>>> import pprint as pp
>>> pp.pprint(src.schema) # vector metadata
Using OGR's Python Bindings
Provides the following information:
- Driver Type
- Layer Count
- Coordinate System
- Layer Name
- Layer Extent
- Feature Keys
- Geometry Type
- Geometry Area
#!/usr/bin/env python
import ogr
def insp_vector(filepath):
datasource = ogr.Open(filepath)
driver = datasource.GetDriver()
layer = ds.GetLayerByIndex(0)
srs = layer.GetSpatialRef()
feature = layer.GetFeature(0)
feature_json = feature.ExportToJson()
geometry = feature.geometry()
print "Driver Type:", driver.GetName()
print "Layer Count:", datasource.GetLayerCount()
print "Coordinate System:", srs.ExportToProj4()
print "Layer Name:", layer.GetName()
print "Layer Extent:", layer.GetExtent()
print "Feature Keys:", feature.keys()
print "Geometry Type:", geometry.GetGeometryType()
print "Geometry Area:", geometry.GetArea()